Wednesday, August 13, 2008

New Moon was my favorite, but the author just straight up ROCKS!

I was greeted by a sea of girls were wearing “Team Edward” T-shirts, a few were on “Team Jacob,” but they were in the minority. Actually, everywhere you turned someone was suited up with a homemade homage to their favorite character in the books. Some T-shirts were thrown together, some where obviously professionally done.

“Will there be a Garrett and Kate novel?” someone yelled. “I want more Reesme,” another exclaimed. No Goth kids in sight, these are future cheerleaders and drama nerds, these are girls who encompass a romantic heart and secretly long for a vampire to love them forever too.

A sea of moms accompanied their daughters; I think they actually screamed the loudest. They long to be young again; these books let them recapture that foolish girl they used to be.

I’m now a fan of Blue October, a fan of the lead signer anyway, he is amazing on his acoustic guitar and he has a voice that encompasses ranges that most hard rock signers can only dream about.

The Q&A is like a long insider joke - characters, thoughts, feelings. We all snicker, us in the know. My friend shuffles uncomfortably beside me, I whisper hints into her ears. Finally giving up and promising to lend out the books.


1 comment:

  1. very cute! i love catching up with you via your blog. i can almost picture your grin as you rock on with these younguns. Work was less boring when you were there!
