Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Two Blogs – One Day and yet Christy doesn’t have anything earth shattering to share…

I missed blogging. December was not my month. Relationships, work, and family – all of them suffered a major blow.

Relationships? Well for one thing I have a tattoo and facial hair fetish. Love them, love it. So it sucks when someone you dated, the past tense “ed” stressed, is now sporting one or both of those things, and sadly you’ve already been there, done that. I try to be that girl who learns from her mistakes and doesn’t repeat them. I’ve slipped on occasion, but I really make the effort to forego repeating disastrous blunders.

Work is crap-tastic and is covered in the blog below.

Family, well that’s the real bummer in my world. The day after Christmas my grandmother passed away after a year-long battle with kidney failure. Not completely unexpected but heartbreaking just the same. There is something completely disheartening when you realize that your family really isn’t going to be with you forever. I mean your brain knows they won’t, but your heart doesn’t. The thinking and the reality of these kinds of losses are just not the same. I miss her. It makes me sad knowing that any family gathering from now on will not include her (but in spirit). I bask in my memories. When I was young she would tie my hair in rags to make Shirley Temple curls. She let me watch my first R rated movie – Urban Cowboy. She introduced me to Laurence Olivier (on film, not in person). You take those memories. You hold them tight and you never let go. Of course this life event has shown me that some relationships I foster aren’t going to work out. Friend I thought would check in or say something hasn’t even bothered. Others of course have come through in spades. But it’s funny how some people tend to vanish when the getting gets tough. BUT that did make this blog go full circle…

Amen to that.


1 comment:

  1. Christy, This blog is beautiful. I am so sorry your Grandmother passed away. I remember our chats at the news about our Grandmothers. You and I were lucky to have Grandmothers that loved us for us and helped shape, guide and loved us. My Grandmother has been gone now for 27 years and I still remember our conversations as if they were yesterday. Same with my Grandmother who has been gone only a year. I just wish my Grandmother would visit me again in my Dreams and have a chat. It has been many years since she has done that. I lost my Father this summer after a 5 year battle with cancer I have yet to really acknowledge he is gone. I don't know why?
    You take care, Wendy
