Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Survey says ... Ewwwww

There’s this one blog that I like to read that is, shall we say, a little scandalous. I don’t know the person who writes it because I found their blog when I was blog surfing one night as I suffered from a case of insomnia. Anyway today I was reading her blog as I killed time before Lost came on (I should have been completing chapter 4 of my book but whatever). The topic today... yeast infections … and how she thinks that she got one from not clean her sex toys before reuse – TMI anyone? Yeah I threw up in my mouth a little bit too. BUT this blog reminded me of this person at works who NEVER wash their hands when they go to the bathroom… NEVER. Once I was even at the sink, washing my hand thank you very much, and she left the stall, fluffed her hair in the mirror and walked out. That bitch was lucky I didn’t chase after her with a wet cloth and wash them for her like I would my 3-year-old niece… As it was I used my sleeves the whole rest of the day when using door knobs throughout the building.

Really this is just a gross habit. I don’t know how the guys feel about the hand wash after peeing since they just have to shake and go, but us girls are touching some lady bits after each go and I’m sorry but hands need to be scrubbed after such things.

So the moral of the blog is this – wash your hands when you leave the ladies room … Oh and wash those sex toys after each and every use…


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