Monday, August 08, 2011

My Kindle Is Smarter Than I Am

When I first got my iPhone the only apps I’d download were things like CNN & NASA & NASDAQ. Now with a Kindle I find that I’m downloading the New Yorker, The Atlantic and Smithsonian magazines along with books like Mansfield Park and Slaughter House Five.

Don't get me wrong, I like all these things.

The downloaded magazines are being read religiously, I’m by no means a dummy. I like learning and expanding my world views. However, when I get these new contraptions I kind of go into overdrive trying to convince the electronic monitoring Gods that I only like the caviar of apps and literature. That my palate is sophisticated and only dines on article featuring Cesar Cuevas and the economic downturn.

But there is this other side of me - the bigger, darker side. The side that has a bookshelf of vampire books, a collection of Sci-fi DVD’s. It's the side that has read the Hunger Games multiple times, has a DVR clogged with shows like the Real World-Road Rules Challenge, ABC Family series' and Big Brother After Dark which I watch mostly on fast forward (okay, okay I watch it).

I don’t go around reciting ancient prose or Shakespeare. I don’t quote New York Times articles, I quote Karate Kid and Talladega Nights. I read Wil Wheaton’s twitter feed as if it was breaking news catching myself before I direct message him as if we are old friends.

In a nutshell - I'm a dork! So why do I feel the need to make sure my electronic are clutter free of items that may seem to put me more in tune with the population of Idiocracy than that of the Nobel Peace Prize winners? Is it in the vain hope that if found dead (at a very old age mind you) that those finding me will see my electronic downloads and deem me as a smart person?

Truth be told, it won’t help because I’m pretty sure at my wake (many, many years from now) my brother will do a eulogy that starts with “Wax On.”


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