When was it that I went from crushing on guys with neck tattoos to crushing on guys with salt and pepper hair? When did this switch happened? I’m officially freaked out.
Yes on Tuesday I’ll be a year older, getting dangerously close to the big 4-0. Yikes. Well as close as a couple years away is anyway. Lately, I’ve become a bit depressed by this. I blame Facebook because here I am mixing it up with all my old high school friends who are married and have babies and seem settled. I just can’t settle. Not in a house, not in a job, not in a family with two plus kids and some kind of mongrel pet. I think I just have ants in my pants.
I have settled in the past. Settled down I guess you can say. Seven years with the same guy was a long time. Sure we didn't marry, not that he didn’t ask – he did, twice. I just couldn’t say yes. If I had I’d be a divorced woman dangerously close to 40. Instead of a single one who dates around (I said date, minds out of the gutter people!)
So here’s where the salt and pepper thing comes from I have developed the BIGGEST crush on the violinist Repin whom I’ve been calling my husband much to the horror of my coworkers (and NO I do not agree that he looks like a certain fellow who works downstairs). Maybe I am getting older – on the inside! Maybe I’m starting to look at the older fellows (or younger who grayed before their time) because I’m starting to understand them. Maybe I get going to bed at 8pm and waking up at 5am. Maybe I get complaining about loud music and those stupid wipper-snappers. YEAH RIGHT. Give me Metallica or give me death!
Let’s get real here…. I just like the artist types, old or young. I bet I could find a tattoo on this violinist if I tried. I won’t, I’m not crazy. I’m just saying.
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