Sunday, February 22, 2009

The putting me in my place, well it happens just the same.

I have this theory. If you say you’re good at something someone will try to tear that skill down. Why? I don’t know. Maybe people just need to put others in their place. Maybe people like to show other people up so they feel better about themselves. Maybe it’s because people just plan suck.

I’ve had it happen to me when I tell people I write. I’ve had poetry pieces published in several different literary journals. I worked as a reporter for two years at a newspaper; I’ve done numerous freelance articles and wrote book reviews online. But still I don’t like to tell people I write because some people try to tear that down. I once told a coworker I wrote and so she edited a work email I sent to prove me wrong. I always have had issues with that damn – their, they’re and there. It’s fine to point that out, but to point it out and then say “I though you said you were a writer?” is just rude.

I also don’t like to tell people I write because I feel sort of pretentious when I say it, like I’m saying I’m so awesome or something because I put pen to paper. But I do write. I don’t sing, I don’t dance, my acting is mediocre at best and I’m good at this. Lately I’ve been writing this story which I’m 75 pages into and then poof writer’s block. I lost her, the main character that is. I lost her spunk, I lost her voice, I just lost her. For months now I’ve been unable to find her that was until yesterday when I was in Borders, spending too much money on other people’s stories. When browsing the greeting card section I stumbled on this journal with this painting of a woman’s face on the front and suddenly I found her again.

I know, I know… pretentious. Like I’m saying, “Look how creative I am.” But that’s not it at all. It was just a pure moment of inspiration and I wanted to write about it even if I do tend to use the wrong - their, they’re and there.

So there.


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