Monday, March 30, 2009

Will I Ever Learn?

I have this habit of committing myself to too many things at one time, so I’ll be running around like a manic for 3 to 4 months, crash – burn – and then do nothing for months until my soul is screaming for interaction. AND THEN I begin the cycle over again.

I burnt myself out on theater this way – no more Shakespeare plays for me (in them, not watching them).

I’m on the cusp of doing this again. This weekend alone I have ComiCon, Dita Von Tease burlesque show, Intiman pay-what-you-can, and don’t forget the Vadim Repin concert. All this is set to take place from Thursday – Sunday. HOLY MOLY! Since most of this is in Seattle and I live in T-Town I’m think I might just hole up in a hotel for the weekend so I can save some driving. I guess I could ask to stay with friends, but I love my personal space.

Sadly, my whole April is no better considering that I’m starting my last two MBA class on April 6th or that I’m in an all day writing class on April 11 or Easter with the fam or that I have 5th Ave tickets late in the month, or that my nephew is due sometime in the next few weeks...

I’m already tired. Why do I do this to myself?


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